Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Daily Blog 7 9/25/18

Today felt busy. I didn't take any breaks other than bathroom/snatching bites of sandwich at my desk. Basically I did both jobs during the morning since I don't have any new job files to keep up to date. I answered a lot of inquiry calls and it was much easier than I expected. I should probably do overtime sometime this week to get some of GC's backlog of stuff done. I really appreciate him leaving a three inch pile of papers for me to process. *eye roll* I guess at this point I'm less smug that he left and more indignant about HOW he left. It's such a jerk move to give no notice like that. I can understand for some jobs, but the boss is decent and the workload is generally manageable--when you're not doing it alongside another job. I just don't understand people like that. Called it, yes. But I don't understand the motivation.
Speaking of motivation, I got the mail, called my mom, and made dinner today. I still need to take out the recycling and empty the dishwasher (if Roommate 1 doesn't do it before she goes to bed, the over achiever), but considering the lack of spoons I've had for the last several months, I call today a win, especially as opposed to yesterday. I got nothing done yesterday, to the point I didn't eat dinner and got up an hour early to shower this morning. I really feel like everything I did at work plus doing more than make dinner at home makes today a win.

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