This is inspired by avwrypottermormon's osrr tag on Tumblr. I need to be accountable to someone, so... I guess you're it. Not that I expect anyone to read this, and if you know me irl you probably shouldn't unless you want to know a lot more than pretty much anyone gets to see. This first post is, first and foremost, a pledge to be completely honest and hide nothing, because I hide too much.
So I'm starting with yesterday. This week I moved departments at my company. Not gonna lie, it's been stressful. I'm going from data entry with other things thrown in to being on the phone with insureds, and phone calls give me anxiety. My Boss's Boss (hereafter known as BB) stopped by Tuesday to see how I was doing (he was my boss before he moved up in the world, and his personality is such that our relationship is different from most boss/employees.) I remember I just looked at him and he was like, "Nevermind." And went away. So new job, maybe a bad idea. Mostly I want the paycheck. Anyway, yesterday the person who took over part of my job (they split it between two people) called in sick. I was asked to step in and clean up everything from my tasks that he hadn't done. His desk was..... Wow. I keep my desk at work as orderly as I possibly can, to the point that Former Boss (FB, different from BB) asked me to get rid of some of my organizing shelves. GC's (the person who replaced me) desk? Paper everywhere. Checks in a pile, mail here and there. My chest tightens just thinking about it.
I go in and do what I've done for over two years and it's so easy. It's like breathing. Everything makes sense, everything has a spot. I miss my old job and I only stopped doing it Friday. Even better, part of the job necessitates interaction with people in another department, and they told me they missed working with me after two days. That the person who replaced me is rude and snapped at not only them, but the girl who brings the mail. They said they just about threw a party when they heard I'd be doing the task yesterday because I'm so reliable and personable. It absolutely made my day.
In other news, the government is threatening to seize property or right to property because I owe $200 in taxes from last year. I wonder if they realize I haven't paid it because I literally don't have the money. Rude. More than rude. But still not a bad day.
End part 1.
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